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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Banks

Results 1 - 10 of 39


[363-375 Fulton Street]

East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 363 - 375 Fulton Street; 367-373 Fulton Street are in the Arbuckle Building.

[South Brooklyn Savings Bank.]

South Brooklyn Savings Bank, corner of Foster Avenue and Newkirk Plaza (Newkirk Plaza) being demolished by June 1963. Bank in new building just to north of this one.

[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.]

View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Wernick's Furn & Carriage Store 1519 Sheepshead Bay Road.

[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.]

View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Carl's Cafe 1504 Sheepsehad Bay Road.

[View above Newkirk Avenue BMT station.]

View above Newkirk Avenue BMT station. Myra Fashions, ladies' wear, 23 Newkirk Plaza.

[1st National City Bank.]

1st National City Bank at corner of Church Avenue and Flatbush Avenue.

[North side of Montague Street between Clinton Street and Fulton Street.]

North side of Montague Street between Clinton Street and Fulton Street. Portion of Montague Street branch of public library at far left.

[Court Street.]

Court Street.

[Greenpoint Savings Bank.]

Greenpoint Savings Bank - Canarsie office. At northwest corner of Glenwood Road and Rockaway Parkway.

[Church Avenue at corner of Beverley Road.]

Church Avenue at corner of Beverley Road.