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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Bowling alleys

5 results


[Northeast corner of Ovington Avenue and 5th Avenue.]

Northeast corner of Ovington Avenue and 5th Avenue.

[West side of 4th Avenue between 62nd Street and 63rd Street, Brooklyn.]

West side of 4th Avenue between 62nd Street and 63rd Street, Brooklyn.

[West side of 4th Avenue between 62nd Street and 63rd Streets.]

West side of 4th Avenue between 62nd Street and 63rd Streets. Northwest corner of 63rd Street and 4th Avenue at far left.

[Coney Island Avenue.]

Coney Island Avenue -- #455 Coney Island Avenue: center; #457 Coney Island Avenue: right (Nicholas De Mauro Press).

[Coney Island Avenue.]

Coney Island Avenue just north of Church Avenue. DeMouro Press 457 Coney Island Avenue.