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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Hat industry

5 results


[363-375 Fulton Street]

East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 363 - 375 Fulton Street; 367-373 Fulton Street are in the Arbuckle Building.

[View of south side of Pitkin Avenue.]

View of south side of Pitkin Avenue. Mfrs. Trust Co., 1528 Pitkin Avenue, cor. Saratoga Avenue.

[North side of Avenue M between East 17th Street and East 18th Street.]

North side of Avenue M between East 17th Street and East 18th Street.

[View of Fulton Street at corner of Adams Street.]

View of Fulton Street at corner of Adams Street. Knox-Howard Hats (right) at #413 Fulton Street.

[Northeast corner Kings Highway.]

Northeast corner Kings Highway at E. 13th Streeet [Ira Bruce on corner].