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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Laundries

8 results


[Henry Street (eastside) looking north.]

Henry Street (eastside) looking north. Northeast corner of Clark Street at right.

[Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street.]

Plymouth Lounge - Coffee Shoppe, Henry Street. Portion of Heights Hand Laundry (#105 Henry Street) at left.

[#57 Hicks Street.]

#57 Hicks Street, Ambassador Laundry in basement.

[East side of Henry Street between Montague Street and Pierrepont Street.]

East side of Henry Street between Montague Street and Pierrepont Street.

[View of east side of Fifth Avenue, Bay Ridge.]

View of east side of Fifth Avenue, Bay Ridge. Holbro Paint Co., of Bay Ridge, 7709 5th Avenue. Ovington Laundry, Inc., 7707 5th Avenue.

[View of east side of Fourth Avenue.]

View of east side of Fourth Avenue betw. 86th and 87th Streets, looking/ north.

[View of north side of Church Avenue.]

View of north side of Church Avenue between Stratford Road (rt.) and E. 10th Street.

[Northeast corner of Sixth Avenue.]

Northeast corner of Sixth Avenue (left) and Union Street.