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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Meat industry

8 results


[North side of DeKalb Avenue between Carlton Avenue and Adelphi Street.]

North side of DeKalb Avenue between Carlton Avenue and Adelphi Street. At left : #203 DeKalb Avenue Center: Grosso Portrait Studio (photographers), #205 DeKalb Avenue. At right: Meat market at #...

[At far right is Mt. Calvary United Holy Church of America, Inc., (#859 Fulton Street).]

At far right is Mt. Calvary United Holy Church of America, Inc., (#859 Fulton Street). Tall building (right-center) has vacant store. (left-center), Max's Meat Market, #855 Fulton Street. At far...

[18th Avenue.]

18th Avenue. Izzy's Food Center, 4208 18th Avenue.

[Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).]

Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).

[Northwest corner of Union Street.]

Northwest corner of Union Street (left) and Smith Street.

[East side of Fifth Avenue looking north.]

East side of Fifth Avenue looking north. Southeast corner of President Street and Fifth Avenue at far left. Bronzo Pharmacy on corner (225 Fifth Avenue).

[East side of Smith Street.]

East side of Smith Street looking north toward Union Street.

[East side of Manhattan Avenue.]

East side of Manhattan Avenue Taken from southwest corner of Milton Street.