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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Medical offices

Results 1 - 10 of 13


[West side of Henry Street between Amity Street and Congress Street.]

West side of Henry Street between Amity Street and Congress Street. The Polhemus Clinic is the big building just showing at far right - it is on the corner of Amity Street and Henry Street. The...

[#140 Clinton Street (far right).]

#140 Clinton Street (far right.) Northwest corner of Livingston Street and Clinton Street at far left. Offices of Horace Greeley, M.D. in building at center.

[Northeast corner of Clinton Avenue (at left) and Gates Avenue (at right).]

Northeast corner of Clinton Avenue (at left) and Gates Avenue (at right). A portion of #457 Clinton Avenue is showing at far left. The house on the corner is #463 Clinton Avenue. A.B. Lee, M.D.,...

[West side of Clinton Avenue between DeKalb Avenue and Lafayette Avenue.]

West side of Clinton Avenue between DeKalb Avenue and Lafayette Avenue (nearer to Lafayette Avenue) Portion of #316 Clinton Avenue at right, To left of it is #320 Clinton Avenue. To left is #324...

[#1676 Glenwood Road.]

#1676 Glenwood Road, (Dr. S. Schiowitz, osteopathic physician's office here) on southwest corner of East 17th Street and Glenwood Road.

[Home at northeast corner of Buckingham Road and Albemarle Road]

Home at northeast corner of Buckingham Road and Albemarle Road (I.S. Friedman, M.D., here.)

[Northeast corner of Clinton Street (left) and State Street.]

Northeast corner of Clinton Street (left) and State Street. Dr. Cornelius R. Love in corner house (167) Clinton Street. #165 Clinton Street house just to the left of corner house.

[Metropolitan Avenue Office of J.S. Message, M.D. is in the whitish building.]

Metropolitan Avenue Office of J.S. Message, M.D. is in the whitish building.

[Northeast corner of Arlington Avenue and Barbey Street.]

Northeast corner of Arlington Avenue and Barbey Street. Dr. Charles Peltz has office in this building. He is at #151 Arlington Avenue per 1959 Brooklyn tel. dir.

[#999 Bushwick Avenue.]

#999 Bushwick Avenue (at corner of Grove Street). W. J. Ruderbach, M.D., and Dr. Reder have offices here.