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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Midwood (New York, N.Y.)~?

8 results


[Padow's Pharmacy, Avenue J (at left).]

Padow's Pharmacy, Avenue J (at left.)

[#201 Avenue I at northeast corner of Avenue I.]

#201 Avenue I at northeast corner of Avenue I.

[Portion of Avenue I platform on IND line, Brooklyn.]

Portion of Avenue I platform on IND line, Brooklyn.

[D train in Avenue I station, Brooklyn.]

D train in Avenue I station, Brooklyn.

[View from Avenue M BMT station (Brighton line).]

View from Avenue M BMT station (Brighton line).

[View from Avenue M BMT station (Brighton line).]

View from Avenue M BMT station (Brighton line).

[View (looking west) from Avenue M.]

View (looking west) from Avenue M. BMT station (Brighton line).

[2425 Kings Highway.]

2425 Kings Highway (Madison Gardens) red maple at entrance.