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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Plazas

8 results


[Junction of 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue at 72nd Street.]

Junction of 7th Avenue and 8th Avenue at 72nd Street, looking north from near 73rd Street, Brooklyn, L.I.

[View from roof of Pratt Institute Library looking northeast. Ryerson Street at right.]

View from roof of Pratt Institute Library looking northeast. Ryerson Street at right.

[Southeast corner of Cumberland Street and Greene Avenue.]

Southeast corner of Cumberland Street and Greene Avenue. The Liquor Store (right-center) is #327 Cumberland Street at lower left is a portion of Cuyler Memorial Gore. Brooklyn Eye & Ear...

[Archie C. Ketchum Square.]

Archie C. Ketchum Square at intersection of King's Highway, W. 9th Street and Quentin Road.

[View of Brooklyn Bridge.]

View of Brooklyn Bridge [sic] looking north from Cadman Plaza.

[Park at E. 12th Street & Kings Highway.]

Park at E. 12th Street & Kings Highway (n.e.cor.)--Sgt. Joyce Kilmer Square. Quentin Road to north of this.

[View of S. Parkes Cadman Plaza.]

View of S. Parkes Cadman Plaza.

[S. Parkes Cadman Plaza.]

S. Parkes Cadman Plaza.