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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Portraits

Results 1 - 10 of 17


[Little girl in chair]

Little girl in a chair.

[Standing couple]

Portrait of a couple, Man with straw hat and suit, woman in dark dress with hat, beads, and fingerless dark lace gloves.

[Little girl in chair]

Little girl in chair. This is the same girl shown in item v1985.4.64

Louis Ramus Sisters

Louis Ramus Sisters Later? Miguel's[Hand-colored photograph]

Louis Ramus Sisters

Louis Ramus Sisters Later? Miguel's

Louis Ramus Sisters

Louis Ramus Sisters Later? Miguel's[hand-colored photograph]

Jas. Clarke

Jas. Clarke [written on recto]Portrait of man (Jas. possibly short for James) in sports attire in front of multiple trophies.

[Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society.]

Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society.

Mrs. M. J. Liniberg at the age of 10, from an ambrotype

A photograph of an 1862 ambrotype taken by Lloyd, ca. 1905. The portrait is of a 10 year old girl identified as Mrs. M. J. Liniberg. (Mrs. M. J. Liniberg at the - age of 10 - 1862 - From an...

Russell G. Lloyd, from a daguerreotype

A photograph of an 1871 daguerreotype taken by Lloyd, ca. 1905. The portrait is of a man identified as Russell G. Lloyd. (Russell G. Lloyd from a - Daguerre. - 1871) [handwritten on recto].