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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Sheepshead Bay (New York, N.Y.)

Results 1 - 10 of 90


[East side of E. 23rd Street.]

East side of E. 23rd Street south of Voorheis [sic] Avenue. View looking south.

[S.E. corner of Bedford Avenue.]

S.E. corner of Bedford Avenue and Voorheis [sic] Avenue. 4707 Bedford Avenue is house on corner. 4709 Bedford Avenue just to right of it.

[N.E. corner of E. 26th Street.]

N.E. corner of E. 26th Street and Voorheis [sic] Avenue.

[N.E. corner of Avenue Y and E. 15th Street.]

N.E. corner of Avenue Y and E. 15th Street.

[East side of East 15th Street.]

East side of East 15th Street between Avenue X and Avenue Y, looking north.

[View looking east along Voorheis [sic] Avenue.]

View looking east along Voorheis [sic] Avenue. First house is 2217 (United Shoe Rebuilding).

[S.E. corner of E. 23rd Street.]

S.E. corner of E. 23rd Street + Voorheis [sic] Avenue.

[View (looking south) of Sheepshead Bay Road.]

View (looking south) of Sheepshead Bay Road north of Voorheis [sic] Avenue.

[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.]

View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Wernick's Furn & Carriage Store 1519 Sheepshead Bay Road.

[View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station.]

View from Sheepshead Bay BMT Station. Carl's Cafe 1504 Sheepsehad Bay Road.