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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Theaters

Results 1 - 10 of 11


[357-365 Fulton Street]

East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 357 - 365 Fulton Street.

[363-375 Fulton Street]

East side of Fulton Street, south of Myrtle Avenue. Shows 363 - 375 Fulton Street; 367-373 Fulton Street are in the Arbuckle Building.

[West side of Court Street.]

West side of Court Street. Northwest corner of Degraw Street and Court Street at left. Tuohy's Cafe on corner. To the right of it is a stationery store, at #302 Court Street.

[View from Stillwell Avenue Station.]

View from Stillwell Avenue Station, Coney Island, looking southwest.

[Nostrand Theatre.]

Nostrand Theatre (on Nostrand Avenue, just south of Kings Highway) (on east side of avenue).

[Century's Kingsway Theatre.]

Century's Kingsway Theatre, Kings Highway, Brooklyn Century's Kingsway Theatre, 946 Kings Highway.

[Century's Avalon Theatre.]

Century's Avalon Theatre, Kings Highway, at s.w. corner of E. 18th Street and Kings Highway. Century's Avalon Theatre, 1720 Kings Highway.

[RKO Kenmore Theatre bldg on Church Avenue.]

RKO Kenmore Theatre bldg on Church Avenue between E. 21st Street & Flatbush Avenue. #2101 Church Avenue at far left (on corner); then 2103 Church Avenue (Lee Corset Shop).

[Northwest corner of W. 7th Street.]

Northwest corner of W. 7th Street and Kings Highway (Sommer Highway Theatre).

[Jewel Theatre.]

Jewel Theatre, King's Highway between E. 7th Street and E. 8th Street.