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Search Entire Site: Brooklyn Historical Society, Unions, Labor

8 results


[Parked buses]

Parked buses that took workers to the rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Speakers at Madison Square Garden]

Speakers for the citizens committee meeting at Madison Square Garden, Robert F. Kennedy is on stage.

[Workers taking buses to rally at Madison Square Garden]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers getting on buses to the rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Riding to the rally on buses]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers en route to rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Riding to the rally on buses]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers en route to rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Riding to the rally on buses]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers en route to rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Riding to the rally on buses]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers en route to rally at Madison Square Garden in 1964.

[Workers taking buses to rally at Madison Square Garden]

Brooklyn Navy Yard workers getting on buses to the rally at Madison Square Garden.