Ocean Avenue

["The Diplomat"]

"The Diplomat" (apt. house), 1829 Caton Avenue, between St. Paul's Place and Ocean Avenue. Northside of avenue BMT cut at left.

[East side of Ocean Avenue.]

East side of Ocean Avenue just north of Lincoln road looking north.

[Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay.]

Methodist Church of Sheepshead Bay. Robert A. Lowell, Pastor. Church is on corner of Voorhies Avenue and...

[North side of Church Avenue.]

North side of Church Avenue between St. Paul's Place + Ocean Avenue, looking east.

[Parkside Avenue BMT station.]

Parkside Avenue BMT station (right center). N.E. corner of Ocean Avenue and Parkside Avenue.

[View of south side of Kings Highway.]

View of south side of Kings Highway between E. 19th Street and Ocean Avenue, looking east Barricini Candy...

[View of south side of Parkside Avenue.]

View of south side of Parkside Avenue, east of Ocean Avenue and south of Prospect Park.