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Results 161 - 170 of 7882


Gather ye crocus while ye may

Caption: "Gather ye crocus while ye may--Rosemarie Marotta of 235 Steuben St., views the first crocus, traditional harbinger of spring, at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden ...."

Girl in a garden

Caption: "Girl in a garden--The fragrance of a magnolia is a mighty hard thing to resist on a fair spring day, even for one as young as Linda Mangino, 2, of 916 Southern Drive, Franklin Square....

Magnolia time

Caption: "Magnolia time--Bad weather or not, you can't stop spring at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where 5-year-old Rochelle firestone, 1026 President St., and Judith Ann Payne, 1020 President St...

Pelican flower

Caption: "An open pelican flower [at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden], also known as aristolochia grandflora, is this bloom. It does look something like a doughnut dangling from a string ..."

Aristolochia grandiflora

Caption: "You just cannot raise this kind of flower in your backyard in Greater New York because it's not a 'city' flower. It's a bud of the aristolochia grandiflora."

Rare plants

Caption: "Mary Ann Beaver, employed at Brooklyn Botanic Garden, tends dwarf plants recently brought from England. They will be part of Garden's exhibit, 'Dwarf Plants for Contemporary Gardens,' at...

Red Jade debuts

Caption: "Red Jade debuts--The graceful weeping branches of the recently distributed Red Jade ornamental crabapple tree are dotted with brilliant bead-like fruits which inspired the name. The...

Brooklyn receives a Bonsai

Caption: "Brooklyn receives a Bonsai--Dr. George S. Avery, director of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, announdes happily the receipt of one of the handsome dwarf pine trees called 'Bonsai' which many...

[Laboratory Plaza]

Laboratory Plaza at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

[Laboratory Plaza]

Laboratory Plaza at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.