Architectural decorations & ornaments

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[#107 Pine Street.]

#107 Pine Street on east side of street between Fulton Street and Ridgewood Avenue.

[#109 Arlington Avenue.]

#109 Arlington Avenue Brooklyn, L.I.

[#115 Pine Street.]

#115 Pine Street (at rt.)-113 Pine Street, on east side of street between Fulton Street and Ridgewood Avenue.

[#125 Richmond Street]

#125 Richmond Street, same house also is #329 Ridgewood Avenue at northeast corner of Ridgewood Avenue and Richmond Street. Ridgewood...

[#165 Columbia Heights.]

#165 Columbia Heights.

[#175 Arlington Avenue.]

#175 Arlington Avenue, Brooklyn, L.I.

[#19 Chestnut Street, Brooklyn, L.I.]

#19 Chestnut Street, Brooklyn, L.I.

[#1939 85th Street.]

#1939 85th Street (on north side of street between 19th and 20th Avenues), Brooklyn, L.I.

[#2121 85th Street.]

#2121 85th Street (on north side of street between 21st and 22nd Aveneus), Brooklyn, L.I.

[#2129 85th Street.]

#2129 85th Street (on the north side of the street between 21st and 22nd Avenues.), Brooklyn, L.I.

[#23 Seventh Avenue.]

#23 Seventh Avenue at southeast corner of Sterling Place and Seventh Avenue.

[#275 Sackett Street.]

#275 Sackett Street.

[#285-287 DeKalb Avenue.]

#285-287 DeKalb Avenue. Northwest corner of Waverly Avenue & DeKalb Avenue.

[#29 Seventh Avenue.]

#29 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y.

[#3007 Ocean Avenue.]

#3007 Ocean Avenue. Congregation Bnai Israel. Meir Ostrinsky, Rabbi. Irving Finkelstein, President. Israel Klein, cantor and sexton.

[#301-305 Washington Avenue.]

#301-305 Washington Avenue. N.E. corner of Washington Avenue & DeKalb Avenue.

[#315 Clinton Avenue.]

#315 Clinton Avenue (cor. of Lafayette and Clinton Avenues).

[#461 Waverly Avenue (center).]

At left - part of #459 Waverly Avenue; #461 Waverly Avenue (center); #463 Waverly Avenue at right (portion only showing...

[#693-695 Fourth Avenue.]

#693-695 Fourth Avenue, at southeast corner of 22nd Street and 4th Avenue, Brooklyn.

[#701 Bushwick Avenue.]

#701 Bushwick Avenue (at right), on corner of Suydam Street. #699 Bushwick Avenue in same apt. house at left.

[#883-885 Bushwick Avenue.]

#883-885 Bushwick Avenue.

[52 Livingston Street.]

52 Livingston Street, Brooklyn.

[Andrews Methodist Church, Richmond Street.]

Andrews Methodist Church, Richmond Street. Rev. Charles S. Geiger, of 95 Richmond Street,...

[Brooklyn Public Library, Montague Street branch.]

Brooklyn Public Library, Montague Street branch.

[Church of the Holy Trinity.]

Church of the Holy Trinity, Montague Street & Clinton Street.

[Clinton Street and Montague Street.]

Clinton Street and Montague Street. Holy Trinity Church and Long Island Historical Society in background...

[Doorway at #283 DeKalb Avenue.]

Doorway at #283 DeKalb Avenue.

[East side of Clinton Street between Tillary Street and Pierrepont Street.]

East side of Clinton Street...

[East side of Clinton Street.]

East side of Clinton Street between Amity Street and Pacific Street - view looking north. Northeast/ corner of Amity...

[East side of Throop Avenue.]

East side of Throop Avenue between Whipple Street and Flushing Avenue. #115 Throop Avenue - rectory of R.C. Church of All...

[Emmanuel Baptist Church, northwest side of Hall Street & Lafayette Avenue.]

Emmanuel Baptist Church,...

[Entrance to #142 Columbia Heights.]

Entrance to #142 Columbia Heights.

[Entrance, Montague Street branch, Brooklyn Public Library.]

Entrance, Montague Street branch, Brooklyn Public Library....

[Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).]

Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).

[Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).]

Flatbush Avenue (vicinity of Brooklyn College).

[Grace Methodist Church.]

Grace Methodist Church, Seventh Avenue and St. Johns Place (northeast corner).