Dyker Heights (New York, N.Y.)

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[Northeast corner of 86th Street.]

Northeast corner of 86th Street and 12th Avenue - opposite park. 86th Street right, 12th Avenue left.

[Northside of 86th Street. Northeast corner of 11th Avenue at far left.]

Northside of 86th Street. Northeast corner...

[Northwest corner of 13th Avenue at 71st Street (far left.)]

Northwest corner of 13th Avenue at 71st Street (far left.)

[Northwest corner of 85th Street and 11th Avenue.]

Northwest corner of 85th Street and 11th Avenue.

[Northwest corner of 86th Street and 10th Avenue. ]

Northwest corner of 86th Street and 10th Avenue. 86th Street side at right.

[Northwest corner of 86th Street and 11th Avenue.]

Northwest corner of 86th Street and 11th Avenue (11th Avenue at right.)

[Northwest corner of 86th Street and 12th Avenue (at right).]

Northwest corner of 86th Street and 12th Avenue (at right).

[Northwest corner of Bay Ridge Parkway.]

Northwest corner of Bay Ridge Parkway and 10th Avenue (former side showing).

[R. C. Church.]

R. C. Church at n.e. corner of Ft. Hamilton Parkway + Bay Ridge Pkwy. (latter side showing). St. Ephrem's Church rectory 929 Bay Ridge Pkway.

[Regina Flowers on north side of 65th Street.]

Regina Flowers on north side of 65th Street between 12th and 13th Avenues. R. C. Church on...

[S.e. cor. 10th Avenue and 73rd Street.]

S.e. cor. 10th Avenue and 73rd Street.

[Show Boat Restaurant, corner of 8th Avenue (left) and 73rd Street.]

Show Boat Restaurant, corner of 8th Avenue (left...

[Side view of home on northwest corner of 85th Street and 11th Avenue (85th Street side showing).]...
[St. Ephrem R. C. Church.]

St. Ephrem R. C. Church at n.e. corner of Ft. Hamilton Parkway + Bay Ridge Pkwy. (Bay Ridge Pkwy. at right).

[View along 86th Street (north side) looking northwest toward northeast corner of 86th...
[View of east side of 8th Avenue.]

View of east side of 8th Avenue looking south. S.E. cor. 67th Street at left.

[View of north side of 86th Street between 10th Avenue and 11th Avenue.]

View of north side of 86th Street...

[View of north side of Bay Ridge Parkway.]

View of north side of Bay Ridge Parkway between 10th Avenue and Ft. Hamilton Parkway, looking west...

[White house on N.W. corner of 65th Street.]

White house on N.W. corner of 65th Street + 10th Avenue, Bklyn.

[William McKinley J.H.S. (P.S. 259).]

William McKinley J.H.S. (P.S. 259) - Ft. Hamilton Pkwy. - east side between 73rd and 74th Streets.