Historical societies

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[Clinton Street and Montague Street.]

Clinton Street and Montague Street. Holy Trinity Church and Long Island Historical Society in background...

[Gun rack, Long Island Historical Society.]

Gun rack, Long Island Historical Society.

[Guy's Painting of Brooklyn at Long Island Historical Society.]

Guy's Painting of Brooklyn at Long Island Historical...

[Manuscript room, Long Island Historical Society.]

Manuscript room, Long Island Historical Society. Taken with Royal-X Pan film...

[Manuscript room, Long Island Historical Society.]

Manuscript room, Long Island Historical Society. Taken with Royal-X Pan film...

[Northwest corner of Montague Street and Clinton Street.]

Northwest corner of Montague Street and Clinton Street, with Church...

[Old director's room, Long Island Historical Society.]

Old director's room, Long Island Historical Society.

[Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society.]

Painting of Alden Spooner at Long Island Historical Society...