Bushwick (New York, N.Y.)

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[#1073 Flushing Avenue.]

#1073 Flushing Avenue.

[#1081 Flushing Avenue.]

#1081 Flushing Avenue, corner of Knickerbocker Avenue at right.

[#1117 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, L.I.]

#1117 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, L.I.

[#1325 Flushing Avenue (Wyckoff Homestead).]

#1325 Flushing Avenue (Wyckoff Homestead.)

[#24 Sumner Place Brooklyn, L.I.]

#24 Sumner Place Brooklyn, L.I.

[#591 Bushwick Avenue.]

#591 Bushwick Avenue at corner of Melrose Street (right).

[#593 Bushwick Avenue.]

#593 Bushwick Avenue at east corner of Melrose Street.

[#701 Bushwick Avenue.]

#701 Bushwick Avenue (at right), on corner of Suydam Street. #699 Bushwick Avenue in same apt. house at left.

[#709 Bushwick Avenue.]

#709 Bushwick Avenue at corner of Suydam Street (left).

[#711 Bushwick Avenue.]

#711 Bushwick Avenue (left)-713 Bushwick Avenue. Several doctor's offices are in this building.

[#751 Bushwick Avenue.]

#751 Bushwick Avenue at corner of Cedar Street (right).

[#843 Bushwick Avenue.]

#843 Bushwick Avenue (left-center). #843 Bushwick Avenue, at corner of Stanhope Street (right).

[#883-885 Bushwick Avenue.]

#883-885 Bushwick Avenue.

[#999 Bushwick Avenue.]

#999 Bushwick Avenue (at corner of Grove Street). W. J. Ruderbach, M.D., and Dr. Reder have offices here.

[637 and 639 Bushwick Avenue.]

637 (left) and 639 Bushwick Avenue at corner of Troutman Street (right). J. Esposito Groceries at #637 Bushwick Avenue...

[80-82 Beaver Street.]

80-82 Beaver Street (left), 84 Beaver Street(right).

[Bushwick Avenue House.]

Bushwick Avenue House is on northwest corner of Hart Street and Bushwick Avenue.

[Bushwick Presbyterian Church of Peace.]

Bushwick Presbyterian Church of Peace. Rev. P.C. Curt, minister. On Bushwick Avenue at corner of...

[Corner of Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street.]

Corner of Flushing Avenue and Morrell Street. Bushwick Houses being built.

[Corner of Morgan Avenue.]

Corner of Morgan Avenue (left) and Flushing Avenue.

[N.E. corner of Bushwick Avenue + Bleecker Street.]

N.E. corner of Bushwick Avenue + Bleecker Street. #939 Bushwick Avenue at far left...

[North side of Flushing Avenue looking east.]

North side of Flushing Avenue looking east. Corner of Bogart Street at left. The building...

[Northeast corner of Bushwick Avenue and Stewart Street.]

Northeast corner of Bushwick Avenue (right) and Stewart Street....

[Northeast corner of Flushing Avenue and Bushwick Avenue.]

Northeast corner of Flushing Avenue and Bushwick Avenue.

[Theill Luncheonette.]

Theill Luncheonette, Flushing Avenue at corner of Flushing Avenue and Humboldt Street.

[Vandervoort Place (east side).]

Vandervoort Place (east side) - taken from near corner of Flushing Avenue.

[View from Broadway Junction (BMT).]

View from Broadway Junction (BMT) platform looking west.

[View from Broadway Junction platform (BMT).]

View from Broadway Junction platform (BMT) looking east.

[View of els at Van Sinderen Avenue.]

View of els at Van Sinderen Avenue - Broadway Junction Station.

[View of north side of Bushwick Avenue.]

View of north side of Bushwick Avenue looking east toward Myrtle Avenue Tallest building is #665...

[View of north side of Bushwick Avenue.]

View of north side of Bushwick Avenue between Hart Street and Cedar Street, looking east.